November 10, 2024 ATB Potsdam
Visit of a delegation from Taiwan: Agricultural Mechanization Research and Development Center (TAMRDC)
November 06, 2024 Groß Kreutz
Event with practical relevance; Field Day Digitalization and Remote Sensing AgriSens-DEMMIN 4.0 - Remote Sensing Technologies for Digitalization in Crop Production
October 25, 2024 ATB Potsdam
Scientific event; BonaRes regional workshop “Digital tools for resource-conserving soil management”; Type: Workshop, Gebbers, R.
October 14-17 Ghent Belgium
Gebbers, R.: Proximal Soil Sensing Workshop
June 18, 2024 ATB Potsdam
Visits of groups at the institute: TH Brandenburg, SG Photonik
June 11-13, 2024 Erwitte near Lippstadt (North Rhine-Westphalia)
Gebbers, R.: DLG Field Days
May 28-29, 2024 Leipzig
BonaRes 2024 Conference Leipzig: Symposium on soils as the basis for sustainable agriculture; UfZ Kubus Leibzig
May 23-24, 2024 Würzburg
Conference: Mapping soil fertility using short-range sensors
May 07, 2024 Potsdam
Visit to MLUK Brandenburg, State Secretary Dünow and staff
February 20, 2024 Jülich
Scientific lecture: Soil sensing for soil health assessment - a contribution to digital bioeconomy; Workshop: “Digital Bioeconomy: Convergence towards a bio-based society”: significance and outlook; Forschungszentrum Jülich, Prof. H. Gohlke
February 06, 2024 Las Cruces, NM USA
Schmiedinger, J.: Pediometry Conference
November 12-18, 2023 Hanover
September 27, 2023
Scientific presentation: Considerations for testing soil sensors: Findings from the I4S project and the DLG certification of Stenon's FarmLab; DLG Committee for Digitalization, Labour Economics and Process Technology. 100th DLG committee meeting
August 2023 Göttingen
German Soil Science Society
July 02-06, 2023 Bologna Italy
The 14th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
June 10-11, 2023 LVAT Groß Kreutz
Brandenburger Landpartie
June 02-06, 2023 Bologna Spain
Post, S., Vogel, S., Schröter, I., Bönecke, E., Kramer, E.: Predicting plant-available phosphorus by fusing proximal soil sensor data at the field scale. 14th European Conference of Precision Agriculture
May 15-17, 2023 Berlin International Bonares Conference
Tavakoli, H.; Correa, J.; Vogel, S.; Gebbers, R.: Improving soil fertility assessment from laboratory and in-situ Vis-NIR spectroscopy
Correa, J.; Tavakoli, H.; Vogel, S.; Gebbers, R.: Risk of data leakage in model calibration using lab-based and in-situ NIR spectroscopy
Schmidinger, J.; Schröter, I.; Bönecke, E.; Gebbers, R.; Rühlmann, J.; Kramer, E.; Mulder, V.L.; Heuvelink, G.B.M.; Vogel, S.: Effect of sample size, sampling design and calibration model on generating soil maps from proximal sensing data for precision liming
Poster contributions
Pätzold, S.; Leenen, M.; Vogel, S.; Wehrle, R. Influencing variables in mobile gamma spectrometry and their relevance for texture prediction in precision agriculture
Vogel, S.;Emmerich, K.; Schröter, I.; Bönecke, E.; Schwanghart, W.; Rühlmann, J.; Kramer, E.; Gebbers, R.: The effect of soil moisture content and soil texture on fast in situ pH measurements with two types of robust ion-selective electrodes
Schröter, I.; Kramer, E.; Bönecke, E.; Vogel, S.; Rühlmann, J.; Post, S.: A comparative study to estimate soil organic matter at field scale using VHR-RGB satellite imagery
Rosso, P.; Huang, S.; Vogel, S.; Bönecke, E.; Gebbers, R.: Predicting yield at high spatial resolution using soil sensing and crop models
May 06, 2023 Potsdam
Day of Science University of Potsdam
March 20, 2023 Hanover
Hanover Fair
February 13-14, 2023 Osnabrück
Post, S.; Schröter, I.; Bönecke, E.; Vogel, S.; Kramer, E.: Modeling of organic carbon in arable soils: Sentinel 2 and near-survey data in comparison. Annual Conference of the Society for Information Technology in Agriculture, Forestry and Food (GIL)
September 07, 2022 Göttingen
German Soil Science Society
March 14-15, 2022
Vogel, S., Rosso, P., Chudy, T.: I4S-Phase 3: Final integration of sensors, models and decision support system. BonaRes status seminar, online
November 23, 2021
Kramer, E., Rühlmann, J., Schröter, I., Bönecke, E., Vogel, S., Schwarzlose, U., Bettoni, M., Meyer, S., Philipp, G., Lück, K., Scheibe, D., Zieger, K., Kling, C., Nagel, A., Zaimeche, Z., Palme, S., Gerlach, F., Gebbers, R., Schubert, T., Fahle, K., Sorge, S., Liftenegger, A.: Site-specific liming: making the most of site potential. Naturland conference “Digitalization in organic crop production”, online
October 21, 2021 Göttingen
Vogel, S. (2022). Site-specific fertilization through sensor-based soil mapping. Invitation from the German Networking Center for Rural Areas (DVS)
September 22, 2021 ZALF Müncheberg
Machine learning in application for the prediction of pH and TOC values of soils with proximal soil sensing
Poster Contributions
June 16, 2021
Sabetizade, M., Correa, J., Tavakoli, H., Post, S., Bönecke, E., Schröter, I., Leenen, M., Vogel, S.: Improved sensor-based pH and TOC predictions using data fusion and machine learning. BonaRes status seminar
February 15 to 24, 2021 Agravis FutureFarm Suderberg
Field mapping trials with the multi-sensor platform I4S RapidMapper
December 10-11, 2020 Berlin
Successful mid-term evaluation for the third phase of the project:
The I4S project was invited to submit a full proposal for the next funding phase from 2022 to 2025. On December 11, 2020, the status of the project and the planned activities were presented to the Advisory Board at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The experts' assessment was very positive and the I4S consortium was invited to submit a full proposal to Project Management Jülich (PtJ).
November 25, 2020 Marquardt
Successful field demonstration of Raman differential spectroscopy with shifted excitation for soil analysis at the sensor test site of the ATB Field Laboratory for Digital Agriculture (cooperation with the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut) www.adlershof.de/news/diodenlaser-trifft-ackerkrume/
September 02-03, 2020 Bonn
I4S project meeting at the University of Bonn and field mapping campaigns with the multi-sensor platform I4S RapidMapper and the ISE extractor module from Hahn Schickard
July 17-20, 2019 Poitiers, France
Stella T., Mouratiadou I., Gaiser T., Berg-Mohnicke M., Wallor E., Ewert F., Nendel C., Everall J. (2019): Estimating the contribution of crop residues to soil organic carbon conservation in the light of climate mitigation targets. 4 per 1000 initiative new tangible global challenges for the soil - INRA Symposium
May 04-08, 2020 Brandenburg
Kersebaum K.C., Schulz S., Wallor E.: Site specific impacts of climate change on crop rotations and their management. EGU General Assembly 2020 - Virtual Conference
EGU General Assembly 2020
Kersebaum K.C., Wallor E.: Crop growth and soil water fluxes at erosion-affected arable sites: A model inter-comparison based on weighing-lysimeter observations. - Virtual Conference
March and April 2020 Frankfurt/Oder
Field mapping campaigns with the multi-sensor platform I4S RapidMapper and the soil profile measurement platform Veris P4000 near Frankfurt/Oder
July 08-11, 2019 Montpellier, France
Gebbers, R.: Assessing sampling strategies and soil sensors performance in the detection of field scale variability of plant-available nitrogen, 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
Pätzold S., Heggemann T., Welp G., Leenen M.: Small plot field experiments and proximal soil sensing (gamma and mid-infrared spectroscopy) provide reciprocal services, 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
Wallor, E.; Bourouah, M.; Kersebaum, K.C.; Gebbers, R.: Field scale variability of plant-available nitrogen and its detectability by different soil sensing systems, 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture
July 01-02, 2019 Potsdam
Gebbers, R.: Proximal Soil Sensing “Options for Organic and Small Scale Farming”, Conference on cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Science on the use of digital technology for organic farming and by small farmers
June 02-06, 2019 Guelph, ON Canada
Pätzold, S., Heggemann, T., Leenen, M., Welp, G. (2019). On-the-Go Gamma-Ray Spectrometry: High-Resolution Texture Information for Soil Mapping, Precision Farming and Field Trials. 13th Pedometrics Conference 2019.
May 25 - 31, 2019 Columbia, OH USA
Gebbers, R.: Session Chair Proximal Soil Sensing, International Conference on Small-Scale Soil Mapping
May 27, 2019 Federal Environment Agency Berlin
Gebbers, R.: On-the-go measurements of soil properties and area heterogeneity, ScreeSOM workshop, keynote speech
May 22, 2019 Bad Salzungen
Gebbers, R., Vogel, S.: Precise liming, German Lime Consultants' Conference
February 05, 2019 Potsdam
Gebbers, R.: Proximal Soil Sensing, Mini-Symposium Washington State University and ATB
February 26-28, 2018 Berlin
BONARES Conference “Soil as a sustainable resource"
February 14-15, 2018 Ghent, Belgium
Prof. Abdul Mouazen from Ghent University (Belgium) and a team of collaborators from his precision agriculture project SiTeMan visited the I4S project team at ATB from February 14-15, 2018. SiTeMan is the abbreviation for “Towards Establishing a Center of Site-specific Technology for Soil and Crop Management”. The aim of the project is to establish a research platform that combines state-of-the-art soil and crop sensors, modeling and system control technology for site-specific management of agricultural resources, with the aim of establishing a center of precision agriculture in Flanders.
This project is funded with 3.5 million euros from the prestigious Odysseus grant of the Flanders Research Foundation. Prof. Mouazen is one of the few leading scientists in the field of proximal soil sensors. Proximal soil sensors and a multi-sensor platform form the core of the SiTeMan project. The approaches in both projects, SiTeMan and I4S, are very similar. We had a lively and fruitful discussion. Based on mutual understanding, we have agreed on further cooperation, which includes the exchange of scientists, sensors and soil samples as well as the initiation of joint projects.
November 12-18, 2017 Agritechnica Hanover
The presentation of the I4S project took place at the stand of the Technical University of Munich on November 18th at 12 noon. Around 140 contacts were made with visitors. A new soil analysis system based on ion-selective electrodes, which was developed by project partner Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung e.V. (HSG), was on display. A video demonstrated the advantages of sensor-based, high-resolution soil maps for modeling nutrient and growth dynamics.
November 17, 2017 Berlin
I4S project is invited to submit a full proposal for the next funding phase 2018 to 2021 The status of the project and the planned activities were presented to the Advisory Board at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The experts' assessment was very positive and the I4S consortium was invited to submit a full proposal to the PtJ funding agency on January 11, 2018
October 22-25, 2017 Tampa, Florida
Evelyn Wallor, Kurt-Christian Kersebaum, Robin Gebbers: American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America & Soil Science Society of America: Linking crop models with highly resolved soil sensor observations to improve spatial simulation of soil-crop interactions
September 27-29, 2017 St. Petersburg, Russia
Evelyn Wallor, Alexander Mizgirev, Kurt-Christian Kersebaum, Robin Gebbers: Agrophysics Trends: from actual challenges in arable farming and crop growing towards advanced technologies, Spatial variability at field scale - How different soil sensing techniques can improve the resolution of model outputs
September 02-07, 2017 Göttingen
Evelyn Wallor, Alexander Mizgirev, Kurt-Christian Kersebaum, Robin Gebbers: Annual Conference of the German Soil Science Society, Site-specific modeling of plant growth, water and N dynamics based on high-resolution sensor data
July 17-20, 2017 Edinburgh, UK
Gebbers, R.: European Conference Precision Agriculture: Connecting crop models with highly resolved sensor observations to improve site-specific fertilization
February 2017
Bonares Conference Poster
November 12-18, 2017
I4S at the agritechnica 2017. The presentation of the I4S project took place at the booth of the Technical University of Munich at 12. - 18. November 2018. About 140 contacts were made with visitors. A new soil analysis system based on ion-selective electrodes was shown, developed by project partner HSG. A video demonstrated the benefits of sensor based high resolution soil maps for modelling nutrient and growth dynamics.